Counting the Days
Here we go into another school year. Remember that positive, exciting stress is still stress when you’re growing up.
The Roads We Take
One of the biggest challenges in parenting is sending our kids down a road we didn’t choose for them.
All the Feels
A whole generation of parents is flooded with emotions as our kids become adults.
The Hard Things
Sometimes the best thing for our kids’ growth is the hardest thing for us.
Own the Cringe
Be the embarrassing generation until these adolescents turn into adults who can take their turn.
Ziplock Bag Ice Packs
One of the greatest lessons we can teach our kids is to choose good friends.
Love One Another
It’s a pretty simple commandment. It doesn’t say “love one another only if they are like you.”
Planting Seeds
The parenting seeds we plant will someday bloom. Hopefully the good will outweigh the not-so-good.
Dumping Baggage
Some days I am the dumper, and some days I am the receiver of an emotional dump.
Across the World
Images of children and families in wartime elicit universal parental anguish.
Red Panties
Help answer your four-year-old’s questions in a way that will make you proud of your teenager’s words.
Sit On Your Butt and Stay Slow
It’s the rejections that make our children dig deeper to see if the dream is worth fighting for.
Joni Mitchell and Turquoise Bike Helmets
To the parents of young children, one day you’ll be ugly crying, too.
The Bitter Barn
When I find myself in the Bitter Barn (my old friend), I need to find a window to look outward.
Packing for Disaster
It starts with a diaper bag and ends with a stocked minivan, but there comes a day we can’t pack all they need.